
6 Science-Backed Tips for Managing Sleep Anxiety

PANIC attacks, cold sweats, and hyperventilation often come to mind when people first picture anxiety — but some forms of the condition are more subtle.

Managing Sleep anxiety is a real condition that can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. It is often connected to anxiety disorders, and excess worry and fear can make it harder to relax and fall asleep. However, there are several ways to treat sleep anxiety, including medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Here are some tips for managing sleep anxiety that are backed by science:

  1. Practice good sleep hygiene, such as going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and creating a comfortable sleep environment.
  2. Try relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, to help calm your mind and body before bed.
  3. Exercise regularly, but avoid working out too close to bedtime.
  4. Avoid stressful activities before bed, such as watching the news or checking work emails.
  5. Consider therapy, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), which can help you learn how to manage your anxiety and develop healthy sleep habits.
  6. Talk to your healthcare provider about medication options, such as sleep aids or anti-anxiety medication, if lifestyle changes and therapy are not effective.

It’s important to remember that treating sleep anxiety may take time and patience, and it’s best to work with a healthcare professional to develop a personalized treatment plan.

managing sleep anxiety

What is sleep anxiety?

What differentiates sleep anxiety from generalized anxiety disorder is that sleep anxiety is specifically focused on sleep — such as fear or anxiety around falling asleep, not getting enough sleep or not being able to stay asleep. “Some of my patients who experience this feel like something bad is going to happen to them while they are sleeping and others describe the feeling of needing to stay alert, which all keeps them from sleeping,” says Mike Sevilla, M.D., a family physician in Salem, Ohio.

It’s very similar to a form of insomnia known as psychophysiological insomnia, adds Dr. Dasgupta, where individuals associate bed not with rest and relaxation, but instead with a struggle to sleep. “What happens is that a pattern of sleep failure emerges. Over time, going to bed becomes a source of anxiety. You focus on your inability to sleep, the consequences of sleep loss, and the lack of mental control — and this makes falling asleep even more difficult,” Dr. Dasgupta says. “Eventually, excessive worry about sleep loss becomes persistent and provides an automatic nightly trigger for anxiety and arousal, leading to a continued cycle of insomnia.”

what is center for anxiety disorders and phobias fairfield ct ?

The Center for Anxiety Disorders and Phobias Fairfield CT is a specialized treatment center that provides evidence-based treatments for anxiety disorders. It is located at 2335 Black Rock Turnpike in Fairfield, CT. The center offers group therapy sessions and has four providers who specialize in three different areas. The center is known for its effective treatment methods and has received positive reviews.


what is cbd for anxiety and ocd ?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the cannabis plant that has been studied for its potential therapeutic effects on various mental health conditions, including anxiety and OCD. While there is limited research on the effectiveness of CBD for OCD, some anecdotal evidence suggests that it may help reduce symptoms of anxiety and intrusive thoughts. However, more large-scale clinical trials are needed to assess CBD’s effectiveness and safety for people with OCD. If you decide to use CBD to manage your OCD symptoms, it’s important to start with a low dose and work up over time[2]. It’s also recommended to talk with a doctor to develop a holistic treatment plan. CBD is generally considered safe and rarely causes dangerous side effects.


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